Wednesday, October 7, 2009

viva la france

mm just left for france.
(this is not the code word for a meltdown)

please let him...
try new food
eat cheese
and chocolate
drink lots of coffee
walk on the beach at normandy
touch the eiffel tower
not get arrested for buying a fake purse
buy the real purse! (fingers crossed)
see some art
drink some wine
enjoy his father's company
remember which swatch watch i want
not get blisters
be safe
miss us, please, miss us

i know i've said before how much he does around here.
but good god, that man does a lot around here!
i am in charge of the trash and recycling, and am very nervous.

please let me...
keep it together
try new food
eat cheese
and chocolate
drink lots of coffee
walk through the woods with the kids
touch the fall leaves
not get arrested for forgetting someone somewhere
buy some toilet paper*
see some art in my kids' eyes
drink some wine
enjoy my mother's company
remember homework
remind mm which swatch watch i want
not get blisters
be patient
miss him, oh, how we will miss him.

i'm practicing my funny daddy voices for stories as we speak.
and please pray that i don't leave for france.
(this is the code word for a meltdown)

*seriously, we are critically low.


Cristie Ritz King, M. Ed said...

Oh how I heart you. Fingers crossed for purse and swatch watch. Also check TC later-I'm nominating you for an award. tee hee.

OSMA said...

may your husband's trip to france go smoothly and your trip to "france" never happen. :)

OSMA said...

ooooh, freakie...did you see how cris and i posted comments within seconds of each other?

pajama mom said...

love it!

OSMA said...

p.s. i know cris nominated you already but now you have two, you kreative girl, you :)