Monday, March 15, 2010

laundry by the numbers

since we have a third-grader
studying multiplication tables,
i thought i'd give her an assignment.
let's call it homeschooling.
yeah, that sounds good.

first assignment -
add/multiply laundry for the week.

here's what she came up with...

shirts - 5 people X 1 shirt X 7 days = 35 shirts
pants - 5 people X 1 pant X 7 days = 35 pants
socks - 5 people X 2 socks X 7 days = 70 socks
underwear - 5 people X 1 underwear X 7 days = 35 underwear
pajamas - 5 people X 1 pajamas X 2 pieces X 3 days = 30 pajamas
towels - 5 people X 1 towel X 2 days = 10 towels

grand total = 215 items
sorta crazy, huh?

this does not count sheets,
4 beds X 4 pieces X 1 day = 16 sheets
(note to self, change sheets)
coats, sweatshirts, blankets, wash cloths, dishtowels,
or multiple changes in one day,
leotards (4) - basketball uniforms (1)
- workout clothes for mm (5-10)

the same darn clothes.
every. freaking. week.
no wonder i'm so frazzled!

next multiplication assignment - dishes.
isn't "homeschooling" awesome?

p.s. sunday confession - i am secretly
relieved that wvu did not get a #1 seed.


OSMA said...

that is way too much laundry for one person. you need a robot. a woman robot. no offense to the boys but they're not very good at laundry.

pajama mom said...

she sounds lovely. :)