Wednesday, December 16, 2009


remember that shower in your apartment in college?

ours kind of looked like that yesterday.
kind of.
scrubbing wasn't working.
so i got out the -
magic eraser.

desperate times...
all i can say is wow.

our shower looks brand new.

and i enjoyed cleaning it.
good lord, please don't tell anyone.
pinky swear.


OSMA said...

SO much nicer than the toothbrush and powder clorox poison i was using that stripped off more epidurmis than shower grime. i should really start listening to my mom more. she's been trying to get me to buy these erasers for months now. sorry mom. thanks pj.

OSMA said...

ps. epidermis. i don't know what epidurmis is but it sounds threatening.

pajama mom said...

i am so jealous you are a magic eraser newbie! good times in store for you.