Sunday, December 12, 2010

draft #3 - her cavalier

as i move closer to 500 posts,
i thought i'd look through my drafts
and see what didn't make it to the
"publish" stage.

last year about this time,
m and i went to see the nutcracker -
in pittsburgh with the girl scouts.
we even got a back stage tour,
and i wondered why i ever gave up ballet.
then i remembered that i like to talk.
a lot.
way too much for ballet.

anyway, when i got home i wrote a post.
about the sugar plum fairy
and her cavalier.

how he stands behind her,
lifts her up,
makes her look fabulous,
when, in fact, he may actually
be the better dancer.
but he lets her shine.

this was analogy about me
and mm.

it is quite possibly
the cheesiest post ever
i can't even believe i wrote it.
so it will remain unpublished.
the end.


Bonnie said...

Ah but what a sweet sentiment about that sweet man of yours....

OSMA said...

chills. same deal here.