Tuesday, January 25, 2011


i stopped by the pediatrician's office
to drop off k's kindergarten forms.
the last kid.
stop it.

i handed over the forms,
and explained what i needed.

"well, we will need a self-addressed stamped envelope."
"you mean, like THIS ONE i have in my purse?"
on the counter, lady!

"also, the fee for filling out a form is $5."
"and that is why i have CASH in my pocket!"
exact change too!

take that doctor's office!
looks like i'm not so crazy after all!

who says you can't teach an old mom
new tricks?


Bonnie said...

You have to pay!!? What is this world coming to?

pajama mom said...

last time (for g) was $3,
and someone actually wrote
on the form - in pen.

this time was $5,
and someone just stapled a
printout to the form.

$2 more to press print i guess.
i want that job.

OSMA said...

when we moved i had to write a check for $35 for each doc office to copy our records. one folder had two pieces of paper in it. i wanted to call the police.