Sunday, January 22, 2012

sunday confession

there are a few days
in the next couple of months,
that the kids are off from school,
but the gym is still open.

so i was thinking i would ask
our babysitter to watch the kids,
and i could go to work.

then i realized,
we pay the babysitter more an hour
than i make an hour.


what's your sunday confession?
the confessional is open.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

counting buses

the road i take to work
is the same road i drove
to take the kids to preschool -
for seven consecutive years.

it is also the same road
the buses take back to the bus barn.

this morning,
i started counting buses out loud,
"one, two, three, four..."
as they passed by.
just like always.

then i realized,
no one was counting with me.
because they were all at school.

i cried - but kept counting buses.
all the way to fourteen.
old habits, i suppose.

Monday, January 9, 2012

the little things

after three months of unpacking,
we can finally fit one car into the garage.

it's the little things, people.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

sunday confession

today we bought new toilet seats
for the bathrooms in our new house.

and i have not been this thrilled
about a purchase
in a long time.
so. lame.
but so exciting!

what's your sunday confession?
the confessional is open.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

a learning experience

we spent the day at splash lagoon
in erie, pa.

some things i learned -

* some people pick very flattering swimsuits.
* some people do not.
* i think i might need a new swimsuit.
* tattoo(s) are forever.
* choose your tattoo(s) wisely.
* i think i might need a tattoo.

the end.